Arran: Lesser Known Hill Routes


Arran: Lochs and Lochans

I am Alex Drain and this is my website.

The purpose of the site is to introduce myself, introduce my readers to the Isle of Arran and introduce my books.

And you can buy direct from me.

I started writing Lesser Known Hill Routes in 2013 because I thought that most of the hill walking books about Arran were very poor.  Some looked as if they were written by so called professionals to a standard text during a weekend visit.  I wanted to be different.

I finally completed all of the sections during the summer of 2017 and published on 1 December.

On 1 May 2024, the 2nd edition was published.  It contains updated routes, wee route maps and a Gaelic glossary.

I wrote Lochs and Lochans between 2018 and 2020 for Scotland's Year of Coasts and Waters 2020.  Like the previous book, every word and description is first hand.  It's all real with no journalistic pretence.

NB - Lochs and Lochans was published on 1 March 2020.   Not the best of times to publish due to Covid.

Keep up with news by regularly checking out the News page.

Pricing for Lesser Known Hill routes has been set at £8.99 (2nd Edition) and £7.99 for Lochs and Lochans.  Both are available from: 

Arran Active, Brodick

The Wee Bookshop, Corrie

Please use the Contact form to get in touch if you want to buy direct by bank transfer - and I'll pay the postage.    

Amazon and Ebay  -  NB - Currently considering ending sales on Amazon due to their postage rules which mean that the cheapest way to post a book is over £4.  

To buy from Amazon or Ebay: log into either then type, Arran Lesser Known or Arran Lochs and Lochans  into the search box. 

The book(s) should then come up.

NB - Cheaper to buy from Ebay due to Amazon charges.

Even cheaperer still to buy from one of the Arran bookshops!

Even cheapererer still to buy direct from me.

Oh, and if you buy direct, you also have the option of a SIGNED copy!
(You need to tell me if you want a copy signed)

The Lighthouse Keeper

Way back...  Way way back...  In fact, over 40 years way back...  I was a lighthouse keeper!

I served between 1978 and 1979 (The Winter of Discontent).

During that time I saw service on five different lighthouses.

Last year I was asked if I'd speak about my time in the Service and a short book emerged from the preparation.

If anyone wishes to read about my experiences, contact me via the Contact form on this website and I'll send you a PDF copy - FREE!    (Cut and paste to see video - it's a link to North Ayrshire Council Library's youtube site) 

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